silver lining.

Amongst everything going on in our world it can be extremely hard to cope with while maintaining the most important world yet, our mind. After reflecting on all that has happened in the past 6 months I can’t believe where we are today. It’s shed many emotions I had never really “prepared” myself for. I mean, I knew I would experience the raw and most real emotions but on top of this… lord have mercy.

I had Owen 13 days after shelter in place was in full swing. Not only did I just birth a brand new baby but my world, my lifestyle, my everything was about to embark on something new as well. You can read all the “Motherhood for Dummies” books or the “What to expect when you’re expecting” but you can never be fully prepared. Because all of a sudden, life throws the biggest plot twist at you. A damn, P A N D E M I C. I’m sorry, what? This is a joke right? Refund please! There was no chapter in those books to prepare you for that.

Now, being a hairstylist/makeup artist, the summer is your jam. You work hard to make sure that calendar is booked. Your season to killllll it. *insert record screech* exactly. W T F. My whole schedule was practically wiped away. 32 weddings to be exact. Eraser on the whiteboard, gone. I was working full time before I had Owen. All the way up until the day my water broke. Side note: I knew he was going to be early, I just didn’t know how early. As I’m working, I’m filling up my schedule for the months to come. Excited to be a new mom, to get back into my world, connect with other women. I couldn’t wait! I wanted to reap the benefits of being able to work hard, provide for my family and come home to the biggest gem ever.

Then, COVID happened. Shelter in place happened. The world shutting down happened. My life happened. My life feeling like it just went poof happened. It all happened. On top of juggling my body in recovery, a tiny human on my boob 24/7, my post partum anxiety, etc x a million.

Not too long after that, my clients started reaching out one by one. Then three in one day, then soon my May was empty. My June was empty. My July was empty. My August was eh. Then, 2021 dates had to open up. I’m over here like, hold up. I don’t even know what tomorrow’s date is let alone already planning my 2021 wedding schedule?!

I felt like my hard work pre baby went straight out the window. It wasn’t fair I thought. I felt so confident walking around with my big bump, doing hair and makeup, making others feel beautiful. Getting ready for their big day in just a few short months. Now those short months turns into a year. I feel for my brides and my clients. My heart absolutely goes out to them 130%.

I always knew life would be different after having my son but never in my wildest dreams would I think I’d be living in a pandemic very much like the ones I read about in history class. But, I did learn something very valuable about all of this. Be here. Be here, right now. Aside from losing my work, I gained more time with my son. I didn’t lose the little moments that I probably would have working. I gained them and knowing I was able to be there for that makes me a better mother today. Time is relentless. It does not stop for anyone.

Mamas, the reason I’m writing this post today is to remind you that in the midst this, your babies are your priority but YO U are the number one. Absolutely these are challenging times but you cannot help others if you try and extend from an empty cup. @spiritdaughter on Instagram reminded me of that today as we enter Virgo season. ✨

Recharge, reconnect, rekindle. It’s worth it in the end. 30 seconds, 10 minutes or an hour. In your car, at work or in your closet hiding from your kiddos. Make the time. You’re worth it.


slow down, sister.